Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
thirukkaNedEn ponmEni kaNdEn
Firstly, AzhwAr starts off with Thiru kaNdEn… He saw Lakshmi PiraaTTi. - where did he see? "en aazhi vaNNan paal… in my dark coloured Emperumaan's ThirumEni (Divine body).. Pon mEni kaNdEn… the colour of the Mother is Golden (hiraNya varNaam hariNIm..)… the Golden colour and the dark hued Emperumaan's colour are so nicely
superimposed so that it appears like that of Sun's rays on lustrous Maragatha Mani (rays of the lustrous Sun on Emerald stone..).
Periyavaacchaan PiLLai says "this is like that of light warm Sun's ray
on a rainy season … "iLa veyyil..".
Posted by
11:05 AM
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Thirumaaliruncholai malaiye
Bhagawaan has desired my head (to place His Feet) as much as He likes ThirumaalirunchOlai and ThiruppaaRkadal. He has adored my body as much as He
adores Sri vaikuNtam and and Thirumala. But my jIvan is completely intermingled with the inescapable prakriti (material nature). Emperumaan can NOT bear being separated from me-my jIvan, my body, my mind, my speech even for a fraction of a second. (orumaanodiyum piriyaan ennoozhi mudhalvan oruvanE). He alone is the Primordial Chief and is the Creator of all beings- SarvEshwaran. (What an Emperumaan! He likes my (material dirty) body as much as He likes the Greatest Divya dEsams!)
AzhwAr praises EmperumAn?s quality of parathantrya [dependence] on His devotees in this ten. Addressing the poets, who want to enjoy and comprehend His guNAs, AzhwAr says: you enjoy and understand His supremacy [Parathvam]; but if you all involve yourself in enjoying and immersing in His sowseelya and solwabhya guNA, He will melt you completely. So, better stick to His Parathvam and survive rather than being overtaken by His sowseelyam. [what an anubhavam!]
Azhwar sys: He entered into this prakritha sareera[material body] and did samslesha at His chosen place ThirumalirunchOlai. He experienced my soul; my body and the ThirumalirunchOlai malai. The Lord has blessed me to sing sweet verses and it is He who is singing these verses on himself through me.. He is not going to separate Himself from me. All this [Ksheerabdi, Paramapadham, Venkatam etc.] was the result of Lord approaching ThirumalirunchOlai; without even caring for the filthiness and shortcoming of my sareeram, He did samslesa and I requested Him to leave this evil dirt body; The Lord did not choose to leave - says AzhwAr. When The Lord did not leave, AzhwAr persists; then Lord falls in line ? as summarized from 6000 padi [from Sri KRKrishnaswamy?s book on Thiruvaymozhi]
Swamy Desikan?s Dramidopanishad Taatparya RathnAvaLi: AzhwAe says that the Lord of ThirumaliruchOlai shows extreme respect and consideration for the bodies of
His devotees [asrithars] since:
(i) He is present, having done amazing leelas, in asrithars? hearts
(ii) He inspires them to chant and praise Him in their heart and utter
(iii) He is spontaneous Swamy to everyone
(iv) He is soul of all jeevathmas [sarva bhoothas]
(v) He is being prayed to by Himself being the soul of asrithars; (vi) He protects one and allduring praLaya by retaining them in stomach
(vii) He is ever present in Ksheerabdhi, Paramapdham, ThiruvEnkatam and asrithars heard / bodies
(viii) He has rakshakathva and Swamithva over all of us
Posted by
12:22 PM